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Evaluation of project results and their impact on end-users was a very important part of the project. At the beginning of the project, key performance indicators (KPIs) were identified in order to quantify the project’s impact. Each KPI was connected with project objectives.

The following surveys were implemented:
  1. Ongoing survey on online lessons (total number of collected surveys is 4567)
  2. Satisfactory surveys after the EDUCATROS’ FORA (54 collected surveys)
  3. Surveys dedicated to 3 editions of the Arctic Competitions (89 surveys collected)
  4. Entry skills assessment surveys for newly registered teachers (255 surveys collected)
  5. After skills assessment survey (73 surveys collected)
  6. “Main survey – During” (130 surveys collected)
  7. “Main survey – After” (80 surveys collected)

The results of measurements of Key Performance Indicators or KPIs have been published in the D5.4 Report on impact assessment. The results were based on three main documents: “EDU-ARCTIC entry and after” skills assessment (two surveys) and “After EDU-ARCTIC survey - Main survey”. Additionally, in order to assess the number of schools implementing and interested in the EDU-ARCTIC program, project deliverables D6.1 “List of schools registered to the program,” D7.8 “List of events and publications presenting the project” as well as google analytics for the portal were used.

The general results are very positive, as all Key Performance Indicators proposed for the project were achieved. Moreover, the presented results show clearly, that KPIs have been achieved in the level exceeding primary assumptions. The logical conclusion from this remark is to suggest that such initiatives as EDU-ARCTIC do make a difference and that positive action may lead to clearly improved results.

The summary of results for all KPIs is presented in the table below:

Indicator value (KPI)Results and means of verifications
1. Utility of educational tools proposed and implemented in the project during online lessons (70% of teachers who took part will assess utility of at least one tool on a grade of 5 or 6). ACCORDING TO „AFTER EDU-ARCTIC SURVEY – MAIN SURVEY“:
For each tool more than 90% of teachers assess its utility on 5 or 6:
Online lessons: 94%
Polarpedia: 93%
Monitoring system: 91%
Therefore, can be concluded that KPI has been achieved.
2. Visual attractiveness of educational tools proposed and implemented in the project (70% of teachers who took part will assess visual attractiveness of at least one tool on a grade of 5 or 6). ACCORDING TO „AFTER EDU-ARCTIC SURVEY – MAIN SURVEY“:
For each tool more than 90% of teachers assess its attractiveness on 5 or 6:
Online lessons: 98%
Polarpedia: 95%
Monitoring system: 94%
Therefore, it can be concluded that the KPI has been achieved.
3. Frequency of using educational tools proposed and implemented in the project (70% of teachers who took part will assess frequency of at least one tool on a grade of 1, 2 or 3). ACCORDING TO „AFTER EDU-ARCTIC SURVEY – MAIN SURVEY“:
Each tool was used by more than 70% of teachers on average once a month and more often:
Online lessons: 76%
Polarpedia: 80%
Monitoring system: 47%
Therefore, it can be concluded that the KPI has been achieved.
4. Enhancement of knowledge about science and scientific research, as well as their place in the modern world (+ 15% compared to input level) ACCORDING TO „SKILLS ASSESSMENT SURVEY“:
The average increase is: 24% for schoolgirls, 23% for schoolboys (24% for all pupils).
Therefore, it can be concluded that the KPI has been achieved.
5. Enhancement of knowledge about nature, geography, natural resources, history, social and political specificities concerning polar regions and increase of sensitivity to environmental issues and climate change (+ 15% compared to input level) ACCORDING TO „SKILLS ASSESSMENT SURVEY“:
The average increase is: 30% for schoolgirls, 28% for schoolboys (29% for all pupils).
the increase of knowledge has been declared by teachers for 95% of schoolgirls and 95% of schoolboys (average for all pupils is 95%)
Therefore, it can be concluded that the KPI has been achieved.
6. Establishing strong links between the worlds of research and young people/ society in order to increase their ability to understand scientific messages and scientific language (+20% compared to input level). ACCORDING TO „AFTER EDU-ARCTIC SURVEY – MAIN SURVEY“:
the increase of ability to understand scientific messages and scientific language has been declared by teachers for 95% of schoolgirls and 96% of schoolboys (average for all pupils is 95%)
The average increase of ability to understand scientific messages and scientific language is 27% for schoolgirls and 26% for schoolboys (average for all pupils is 26%).
Therefore, it can be concluded that the KPI has been achieved.
7. Implementation of innovative tools by way of an e-learning portal and effective methods of teaching science on a regular base in schools in at least 10 European countries (Minimum 500 schools from 10 European countries) ACCORDING TO ONLINE REGISTRATIONS ON THE EDU-ARCTIC PORTAL:
The total number of schools registered to the EDU-ARCTIC program is 766. They are located in 59 countries. At least 700 schools are located in 35+ European countries. For details see D6.1 List or schools registered to the program.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the KPI has been achieved.
8. Introduction of the EDU-ARCTIC program in schools in at least 10 European countries (Minimum 3.500 schools from at least 10 European countries). ACCORDING TO THE DISSEMINATION REPORTS FROM PARTNERS AND TEACHERS:
The number of teachers, who participated in events, where the EDU-ARCTIC program was presented is at least 4133 (see Deliverable D7.8 List of events and publications presenting the project).
Total number of individual users of the portal ( in the last school year is 6478. As the portal is dedicated to teachers (unlike the main website and Polarpedia, which are visited by general public), we assume that at least 75% of the users are teachers and educators (which means ca. 4850 individual users). The users were from 103 countries.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the KPI has been achieved.
9. Increase of the number of young people interested in STEM and scientific career (+ 25% compared to input level). ACCORDING TO „AFTER EDU-ARCTIC SURVEY – MAIN SURVEY“:
the increase of interest in STEM and scientific career has been declared by teachers for 94% of schoolgirls and 95% of schoolboys (average for all pupils is 94%)
The average increase of interest in STEM and scientific career is 26% for schoolgirls and 25% for schoolboys (average for all pupils is 26%).
Therefore, it can be concluded that the KPI has been achieved.
10. Increase of the number of girls interested in scientific careers (+ 20% compared to input level). ACCORDING TO „AFTER EDU-ARCTIC SURVEY – MAIN SURVEY“:
the increase of interest in STEM and scientific career has been declared by teachers for 94% of schoolgirls
The average increase of interest in STEM and scientific career for schoolgirls is 26%.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the KPI has been achieved.