American Systems sp. z o.o. develops innovative IT technology dedicated to the educational system, science and business organisations making use of its experience with the daily realities of IT services. For the past few years American Systems has been engaged in the development of innovative software for advanced ICT solutions mainly used in the education and business sector. The project objectives were defined basing on the knowledge and experience of the Board of American Systems Company, which has been actively operating in a field of software development since 2006, based on the knowledge and experience of employees and suppliers. Technical knowledge, management skills and experience in the implementation of high-tech IT projects allow American Systems to undertake with success innovative ventures co-financed by EU funds.

The Arctic Portal (Norðurslóðagáttin ehf) provides access to Arctic data, information and organizations across the Arctic, facilitating information sharing and co-operation between public and private parties. The portal is based in Akureyri, Iceland, managed as a non-profit organization under an international board of directors. It was formally launched at the Ministerial Meeting of the Arctic Council in Salekhard in Russia in November 2006.

Instytut Geofizyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk (IGF PAS) is a scientific institution representing the main stream of Polish basic research in Earth sciences. It is the only institution in Poland that performs monitoring of geophysical fields in seismology, geomagnetism and selected areas of atmospheric physics. The Institute’s research broadly covers the following scientific fields: seismology, geomagnetism, earth’s interior dynamics, physics of the atmosphere, hydrology and environmental hydraulics, polar and marine research.

FINI is part of the Geoinformation Department of Jardfeingi (Faroese Geology and Energy Directorate). FINI is situated at Jardfeingi in Hoyvik, Faroe Islands, with monitoring facilities at Sornfelli and other places in the islands. FINI works in close cooperation with other monitoring institutions in the Faroe Islands focusing on landscape, erosion, climate, flora, grazing and other subjects. FINI undertakes multidisciplinary monitoring of nature and environment at onshore sites on the Faroe Islands.

The Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research - NIBIO is a state-financed research institute with around 725 employees all around Norway. It conducts applied and specifically targeted research linked to agriculture, forestry and rural development, plant sciences, environmental protection and natural resource management. International collaboration is of high priority. NIBIO was established July the 1st 2015 and is one of Norway’s largest research institutes. NIBIO is owned by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and is a merger between the Bioforsk, the Norwegian Agricultural Economics Research Institute and the Norwegian Forestry and Landscape Institute.

Like all French universities, UVSQ is a national, public service establishment of higher education: it is one of the state-owned establishments of scientific, cultural and professional nature. UVSQ comprises six main faculties: Science; Law and Political Science; Social Sciences; Humanities, Observatory of Versailles Saint-Quentin (OVSQ, Cimate and Environment Science, Arctic and Sustainability Studies) and Medicine. There are also two University Institutes of Technology (IUT) and one Engineering School (ISTY). As a multidisciplinary university, UVSQ structures and focuses its research on strategic sectors: chemistry, physics and materials; environment and sustainable development; mathematics; computing and engineering sciences; biology and health; cultures, humanities and social sciences; institutions and organisations. This system forms the foundations of all the training programmes.