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This work package will elaborate and implement a communication strategy with schools, teachers, civil society organisations, key industry partners and pupils in order to achieve the widest possible implementation of the EDUARCTIC program. The main objective is to raise the awareness of targeted key stakeholders about importance of STEM skills and its proper teaching through workshops, intermediate meetings, networking activities and a final event. This includes promotion of the project among school authorities and educational officers in local, regional, national and international administrative services, as well as dissemination among civil society organisations and industry partners acting on STEM education. Project partners will draw on their extensive networks of international cooperation to attract schools from as many European countries as possible. Cooperation and networking with other projects and organisations will be developed in order to maximise the impact of the project and its range.

Another goal of this WP is the development of a guiding framework for effective and wide exploitation of project solutions across the EU and beyond. Specific objectives will include exploitation and replication strategies, networking and follow-up recommendations, as well as guidelines for teachers, universities, schools and other stakeholders for their use of the EDU-ARCTIC program.