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This work package deals with the overall effective management of the project including technical, scientific, administrative and financial aspects. This includes the supervision of the consortium, monitoring and ensuring the work progress in all work packages, keeping the schedule of the project and deliverables, initiating project meetings. The Project Coordinator (IGF PAS) will ensure coordination and communication among the partners of the consortium as well as with the European Commission - keeping the Project Officer informed of the project’s progress, change requests, reporting. The work package leaders will be responsible for the coordination and progress of the work within their work packages, respecting the resource allocation plan and for the working contacts between the various partners within their work packages, with the assistance from task leaders. The WP particular objectives will thus include:

  • The overall financial, administrative, legal, contractual and ethical management; coordination of activities between partners in accordance with the work plan and budget,
  • Organisation of efficient communication structures and flow within the consortium,
  • Monitoring of project progress, anticipate and manage changes related to the project including identification of potential risks, their possible impact on the project as well as solutions to remedy,
  • Establishment of effective communication with the European Commission providing all the requested documents (reports, cost statements, etc.) on time,
  • Chairing the Project Steering Committee (PSC) and Dissemination Steering Committee (DSC) Meetings,
  • Monitoring gender equality during the project;
  • Ensuring high quality of the project’s realization and objectives fulfilment as well as production of all the deliverables within budget and time frames,
  • Conflicts resolution,
  • Dealing with Ethics requirements