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The report is the Deliverable D7.6 3rd Report on Newsletters produced and published. It pertains to the Task 7.3 Promotion tools, described in the Annex 1 PART A of the GA, within WP7 DISSEMINATION AND PROMOTION OF THE EDU-ARCTIC PROGRAM.

The report provides a description of the EDU-ARCTIC newsletter and its format and content, published periodically to inform those who have signed up to receive the newsletter about important announcements, news and events related to the EDU-ARCTIC programme.

The total number of Newsletters, published during the project period, is 45, covering several topics in each newsletter (for example, short description of upcoming online lessons, launching of project apps). Eight Announcements on specific important project issues (typically only one topic per announcement, for example, invitation to participate in contests or surveys) have also been published.

The report further provides detailed statistics on the audience reached and the demographics of this audience. Information and graphs are provided, illustrating how the outreach activity has positively evolved for the duration of the project, from 223 registered users in 17 countries in January 2017 to 1244 registered users in 61 countries in June 2019, i.e. a five-fold increase or over 500 %.

D7.6 3rd report on newsletters