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  1. How to win the Arctic Competition? First of all, do not miss the deadline!
  2. New year, new lessons – learn new stuff!
  3. We need your feedback – EDU-ARCTIC survey.

1. How to win the Arctic Competition? Do not miss the deadline!

Remember - project summary needs to be uploaded latest 23rd January, 11:00 UTC.

How to win? We are happy to help 😉 Make sure you are familiar with the COMPETITION RULES.

Read clues on how to write a good summary.

If you need inspiration – read about previous winning projects. Ask our scientists for background information, details about research stations, etc.

Now you also have a unique opportunity to participate in a lesson dedicated to the ARCTIC COMPETITION.

Learn all about rules, timeline, methods. Find out what you may expect during the expedition to the Faroe Islands and Svanhovd, Norway. See present examples of inspiring projects from previous editions.

We propose two dates: 9th January 09:00 UTC or 14th January 11:00 UTC

2. New year, new lessons – learn new stuff!

Whether your main interest is focused on geography, biology, physics, new technologies or social sciences – you will find something for you and your students!

Visit Greenland (10th January, 10:00 UTC); find out how polar regions help in space exploration (15th January, 08:00 UTC); learn all about space weather (17th January, 08:00 UTC). You’ll be surprised what minerals are used for (21st January, 10:00 UTC and repetition – 6th Februay, 10:00 UTC), and how many mysteries glacier interiors hide (23 January, 12:00 UTC). Visit drifting ice stations (29th January, 12:00 UTC), and decide whether geoengineering is damnation or salvation (30th January, 07:00 UTC). See a beautiful spectacle of aurora (31st January, 12:00 UTC). Get familiar with rythm of the flowers and plants(5th February, 08:00 UTC). Meet those who live and work at Polish Polar Station Hornsund (7th February, 10:00 UTC) and explore frozen ground (13 February, 12:00 UTC).

3. We need your feedback – EDU-ARCTIC survey

If you have been an active EDU-ARCTIC teacher for at least one year, we would appreciate your feedback. We are interested in knowing the impact of the project on those students who participated in project activities.

In your profile on the EDU-ARCTIC portal, you will find the EDU-ARCTIC main survey with a list of questions concerning the EDU-ARCTIC project and its modules. Questions are divided into two categories: TECHNOLOGY and FACTUAL.

The survey will be available until February 6.

Thank you in advance for your participation!


Albert Einstein said: “For us who are convinced physicists, the distinction between past, present, and future is only an illusion, however persistent.”

Nevertheless, we believe that New Year means new opportunities. Read more about what is expected to be priority in science in 2019 – NATURE-article.

happy new year 2019